Here’s what I’ve learnt in my first year of business

A whole year has flown by - you wouldn’t believe it considering we’ve spent the majority of the year in lockdown… but that’s for another discussion.

I started my business the week we went into lockdown; trust me, I know that was bad timing. Either way, it’s been a huge learning curb for me - and here’s everything that I’ve learnt from my first year in business:

1) You are your business

You’ve probably heard this old adage before, but it’s one of my favourites. People buy people - and you aren’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. That’s okay. You can’t please everyone. So you may as well just be yourself. Be the business that you want to see, that you would buy from, and sooner or later, you’ll have the right customers that are good for you.

2) Owning your own business is the most stable job you can have

Damn, that one was long. But listen, someone once told me that and honestly, my world changed. It’s so true! I can’t fire myself or make myself redundant, all I can do is try my best and push myself and work - and so far, it’s a system that’s done me pretty well.

3) You never know where your next job is coming from…

So be nice to everyone.

A lot of business bodies will get this one. You never know where the work is from, so you have to explore every option there is. Sometimes the abundance of zoom calls may be tiring, but at least people are interested. And honestly, you never know who wants to work with you.

Those are my top three lessons I’ve learned, I could probably do more… but I want to leave you wanting more.

If you want to work together, then you know the drill.

You can find me over at:

+44 7792341698


Starting a business doesn’t have an age limit