Why I went freelance

Hi everyone,

How are we all? So this is a post copied from my personal blog: https://rosytintedview.wordpress.com/

However, I thought it may also work quite well here as a personal introduction to my story… strap in, here we go.

From 2018 until 2020, I worked at the Times Educational Supplement. And I loved my job, but then, one day, I suddenly stopped loving it. I was there doing a lot of the same thing day in and day out, going to the same building, on the same commute, seeing the same people, and I felt complacent. I wasn’t the best version of myself. I didn’t feel pushed, I felt nervous and talentless. I was comparing myself to people with 10 years experience. It wasn’t that it was an overtly toxic environment. But I could have worked from 7am to 9pm and it would have been irrelevant. There still would have been something wrong.

Journalism is an important profession, it’s crucial to our society. However, it is thankless. And I think sometimes it’s about what your top priority is. I was tired of receiving a low pay for long hours, my growth feeling stunted, feeling like I should be grateful because of where I worked. So I decided to go freelance…

Because if I’m honest, I’m tired of employers treating staff as if they don’t matter. And if yours do then I’m so happy for you, because honestly, going into work for eight hours of your day, and not feeling like you’re the best version of yourself or that you’ll never be quite good enough, is one of the worst feelings.

So, for myself, I decided to leave. And that’s the important thing. I listened to my inner self, my worries and fears had to dissipate, and I trusted myself to make me happy; not a company or a job title – just me.

I’ve gone freelance: copywriting and social media – the things I enjoy doing. I’ll be working for myself, making my own money, working hours that I want to. And that is a very powerful thing.

And although I’m afraid of pretty much everything, I know one thing… I could never have lived a 9-5 for 40 years, and that is enough to reassure me that this is the right move for me. I’m lucky to be able to do it, so why the hell not?

I hope that when you find your big risk in life that you take it, and it makes the very best version of yourself.

Want to hire me?

Email me at: ella@ejwrites.co.uk
Phone me at: +44 (0)7792341698


How can you write about a topic you know nothing about?