How does copywriting and social media fit together?
How do the two seemingly different disciplines fit together? From copy to the audience find out how…
Why are freelancers ‘so expensive’?
I always feel as though I have to justify the prices that I charge, which is crazy because the things that I create for my clients are always well-received and get the job done. But for argument sake, let’s answer the question… why are freelancers ‘so expensive’?
The art of online copy
Is there an art to it? Well, it’s no Mona Lisa, if that’s what you’re thinking. But there are some tops tips you can follow to help
Why copywriting?
If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m a freelance copywriter.
Often I get a lot of people asking me to explain what my job means, a few even ask how exactly I got into it. So here I am, answering…
The importance of ‘the talk’
Okay, so it may not be as ominous as I’ve just made it all sound.
But I wanted to discuss the importance of the chat between a freelancer and the client. You know when you send in a request, and then we either ask you to fill some boring piece of paper in, or you send us a brief? Yeah, that chat.
How can you write about a topic you know nothing about?
Some copywriters have a niche, some fall in love with one subject, but I fall in love with all of them. But how exactly do I make it seem like I’m an expert in a field when I’m not? Well…