The art of online copy

Is there an art to it? Well, it’s no Mona Lisa, if that’s what you’re thinking.

However, there is a technique and a flair to writing web copy - just how there is writing any copy, really. You may cross your purse strings and hope that just about anyone can write web copy, but unfortunately, you’d be wrong.

There’s a few things you want to tackle when you’re writing any sort of online copy:

  1. What is its purpose?

Every piece of writing has a purpose - whether that’s to inform, sell, educate, or grow your brand. Ensuring that your copy has a reason for existing is one of the most crucial points of its creation.

2. Who are you writing to?

The who will help you uncover how to write your copy. By understanding your target audience, you’ll be able to work out how to approach them: what language to use, which key phrases and industry lingo they will resonate with, what problems they may have that you can solve.

3. Is it legible?

A crucial part of writing online is ensuring that not only is it read, but that people can read it. If your writing is filled with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and difficult sentences, then any customer or visitor is less likely to continue reading and may your website as unreliable and illegitimate.

4. Are you still with me?

One of the most underrated but crucial parts of writing copy for the web is the excitement of the copy itself. Is it exciting? Does it encourage you to carry on reading? Do you feel listened to? Or even noticed? Good writing is more than just throwing some words together, it’s about connecting the reader to your message - it’s about making them feel something.

If you need help with that, then shoot me an email or give me a call:

+44 (0) 7792341698


Journalism – and how it helps me be a better copywriter


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