Why social media?

If you’ve been here a while - and kept up with my blog posts, then you’ll know that I’m a freelance copywriter and social media specialist. But so far I haven’t actually written about social media… that’s my fault, but that changes today!

So where did it all start?

The ugly truth

I was incredibly late to the social media party, typically, I’m a bit of Luddite when it comes to technology; I fully won’t invest in Alexa because I hate the idea of Amazon stealing my data.

So I was quite late to the social media game. While it’s important to practice moderation in your personal life - especially with social media - it wasn’t until much later that I understood the benefits of using social media in your professional life.

But I soon found out… (dun, dun, dunnnnn)

The social media days

After I graduated university, I did a few odd jobs, until I got my first big career job at the Times Educational Supplement as social media executive. It was my job to look at their Twitter, Facebook, and later on, Instagram account. It was no big deal, really, you know their Twitter account only had 200,000 followers, and their Facebook only 150,000… totally, okay.

I created their daily content, social media calendars, strategies, scheduled content, explored multimedia avenues, created social campaigns that got 1,000 of engagements, views, and interactions; if you can think it, then I probably did it.

It was a great time for me to flex my creative, digital muscle, and is really the reason why I now have the confidence to impart my learnt wisdom onto you (if you’re not already convinced by me at this point, I’m surprised).

The now

Now, I love social. It’s a free way to exposure your business to large quantity of potential leads and customers, it can be a fun way to show your peers what you’re all about.

Whether that’s video tactics on Tik Tok, or building a professional brand on LinkedIn, maybe you want to keep people up-to-date on Twitter or Facebook, social media allows you to explore any option.

It can be scary, sure. There are many platforms all doing similar things, it can be tough to know which is the best for your brand, and that’s where I waddle in - mobile phone in hand, Instagramming away, there I am (did I mention I’m an Instagram content creator?)

An expert, you could say.

Let me walk you through it. I offer 1-2-1 consultations, or can take the work from you.

I’d love to hear from you:


+44 (0)7792341698


The art of social media


Journalism – and how it helps me be a better copywriter