How does copywriting and social media fit together?
How do the two seemingly different disciplines fit together? From copy to the audience find out how…
Why are freelancers ‘so expensive’?
I always feel as though I have to justify the prices that I charge, which is crazy because the things that I create for my clients are always well-received and get the job done. But for argument sake, let’s answer the question… why are freelancers ‘so expensive’?
The tricks to social media
Social media can be a tricky medium to navigate, but what if there were a few tricks you could used that applied to all platforms?
The art of social media
Sometimes, social media can feel like you’re shouting into a deep, dark void - but it might not be as bad you think… here’s how you can ace any platform.
Why social media?
It took me a while to get into the social media hype, but when I did, boy, was I in it. Whether it’s Tik Tok or Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook, you can find me - and here’s why.