How does copywriting and social media fit together?
Hi everyone!
So as you know - or if you don’t then I’m about to tell you - I’m a social media specialist and copywriter.
Typically, a lot of my clients opt for one product or the other, however, both social media and copywriting connect in more ways than you might have perhaps realised.
The challenge of copy
While social media is less writing and more numbers, it still requires copy. Social media doesn’t work unless the captions you provide are compelling and engaging with the audience, this is incredibly similar to copywriting in that the aim of the copywriter is to draw you in.
2. Say hi to the camera
When you’re a copywriter, you’re frequently speaking to an audience. It doesn’t matter if you’re convincing people to buy something or you’re encouraging people to continue reading, either way, you’re writing for someone - social media is no different, however, with social you’re on the ground speaking to your audience daily. What better way of understanding what it is your audience needs than speaking with them directly?
3. Sharing is caring
Social media is the perfect medium to share achievements and updates. If you’ve just relaunched a website or created a catalogue, all of this content will require copy and social media is the perfect place to show it off! Good copy is always going to be attractive, but showing it off is only ever going to draw more people in - and we always want that!
Next time you’re thinking about hiring a copywriter, let’s have a chat about what I can do for your social media accounts too!